Applying Conway's Law - A Blueprint for Successful Projects

Applying Conway's Law - A Blueprint for Successful Projects

Aug 26, 2024¡
Mohsen Davarynejad
Mohsen Davarynejad
¡ 4 min read
Created by AI with DALL¡E

As you prepare for the kick off session of your project with your preferred and already identified client, there’s an important concept I’d like to introduce you to: Conway's Law. Understanding this principle will not only help you navigate your project more effectively but also give you insights into how organizations and teams work in the real world.

What is Conway’s Law?

Conway’s Law is a concept that was first introduced by Melvin Conway in 1968. It states:

Organizations which design systems are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations. — Melvin E. Conway, How Do Committees Invent?

In simpler terms, the way our team communicates and is organized will directly influence the design and outcome of the project we’re working on. If we have clear, efficient communication, our project is likely to be well-structured and cohesive. On the other hand, if our communication is disjointed or fragmented, that might reflect in the final product.

Why Should You Care About Conway’s Law?

As students, you’re stepping into a project that has real-world implications and business impact. Our client is counting on us to deliver something valuable and functional. Understanding Conway’s Law can help us ensure that we meet (and hopefully exceed) their expectations. Here’s how:

1. Structuring Our Team for Success

Before we dive into the project, we need to think about how we’re going to structure our team. The way we organize ourselves can have a big impact on the project’s success:

Dividing and Conquering: If the project involves different components such as data preprocessing, model development, and algorithm optimization, it might make sense to break into smaller groups, each responsible for a specific part. This approach can help us manage the work more effectively and ensure that each part of the project is well-developed.

Collaboration Across Groups: Even if we’re divided into smaller teams, it’s important that we communicate and collaborate with each other regularly. This will help prevent any parts of the project from becoming isolated or disconnected from the whole.

2. Communication is Key

Given the complexity of machine learning workflows, clear communication between team members working on different stages—like data handling, feature engineering, and model evaluation—is crucial. For our project to be successful, we need to ensure that our communication is clear, efficient, and consistent:

Regular Check-ins: We’ll have regular meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and next steps. These check-ins are crucial for keeping everyone on the same page and ensuring that we’re all moving in the same direction.

Clear Roles: Each of us will have specific roles and responsibilities within the project. Knowing who to go to for what will help streamline our communication and make sure that nothing falls through the cracks.

3. Working with the Client

Aligning our approach with the client’s expectations, especially in terms of the machine learning model’s performance and scalability, will be key to delivering a successful outcome. Our client is an important part of this project, and understanding how they work will help us deliver a product that meets their needs:

Aligning with the Client: We should take the time to understand the client’s organizational structure and how they communicate. If we can mirror their structure in our team, it might make it easier for us to collaborate and deliver something that fits seamlessly into their operations.

Engaging Stakeholders: We’ll make sure to involve the right people from the client’s side throughout the project. Their feedback is invaluable in making sure we’re on the right track.

4. Learning and Growing

This project isn’t just about delivering a great product—it’s also a learning experience. Understanding and applying Conway’s Law can help you become more effective team members and designers:

Reflecting on Our Work: As we work through the project, think about how our team’s structure and communication are affecting the outcome. After the project is completed, we’ll have a chance to reflect on what worked well and what we could do better next time.

Real-World Skills: The skills you’re developing by thinking about these concepts are directly applicable to any future projects or jobs you take on. Understanding how team dynamics influence project outcomes is a valuable skill in any career.

5. Stay Flexible

Finally, remember that projects are dynamic, and we may need to adjust our structure or communication as we go:

Adapting to Challenges: If something isn’t working, we’ll adapt. Being flexible and open to change is key to overcoming challenges and finding innovative solutions.

Continuous Improvement: Let’s use this project as an opportunity to continuously improve our teamwork and communication skills.


Conway’s Law is more than just a theory—it’s a practical tool that can help us succeed in this project. By paying attention to how we’re organized and how we communicate, we can produce a project that not only meets our client’s needs but also showcases our abilities as a team.

Let’s keep these ideas in mind as we move forward, and I’m confident that we’ll create something we can all be proud of.